Warm Up: 10 minute incline walk - 6.5% incline, 6.5km speed
Back Warm Up: 20 assisted pull ups
15 reps and 3 sets of:
- Assisted pull ups superset with long bar row
- 1 arm cable rows (15 on each side)
- Lower back extension superset with rear delt fly
Bicep Warm Up: 20 bicep curls
15 reps and 3 sets of:
- Preacher curls superset with hammer curls
- Decline bench curls
- Cable curls with t-bar attachment superset with close grip lat pulldown (so using your biceps)
A great tip I got given for using the lower back extension machine is to hold your hands at your side in a deadlift position. It helps me focus on controlling the weight at the bottom of the movement as I come closer to my knees and not hyper extending at the top of the movement (which is a common mistake especially if you have your arms crossed in front on your chest).
I'm not sleeping great so skived my cardio, I just didn't feel like I had much left in the tank. Tonight is a HEAVY legs workout, I'll probably cry...
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